
Advanced Grammar in Use

Учебник Advanced Grammar in Use. Бытует мнение, что если репетитор по английскому языку использует данный учебник в обучении, то он готовит ученика к сдаче языкового экзамена, например, IELTS или TOEFL, а возможно, даже ЕГЭ по английскому языку. С нашей точки зрения, английская грамматика, описанная в этом ученике, подойдет всем, кто хочет овладеть английским языком на высоком уровне. Учебник грамматики начального уровня от R. Murphy Essential Grammar in Use и второй учебник того же автора, но среднего уровня, English Grammar in Use.



Advanced Grammar in Use
Cambridge University Press
Martin Hewings
ISBN: 978-0-521-53291-4 (с ответами)

ISBN: 978-0-521-53292-1 (без ответов)

Учебное пособие Advanced Grammar in Use предназначено для самостоятельного изучения грамматики английского языка или в качестве дополнительного справочного материала для преподавателей. Это издание состоит из 100 разделов, 4 приложений, а также ряда дополнительных упражнений и учебного гида. К пособию можно приобрести CD-диск. Каждый раздел представлен двумя страницами, на одной из которых изложен определенный грамматический материал, а на другой – упражнения на закрепление этого материала.

Содержание пособия:


English TensesАнглийские Времена

1 Present continuous and Present Simple (1)

2 Present continuous and present simple (2)

3 Past simple and present perfect

4 Past continuous and past simple

5 Past perfect and past simple

6 Present perfect continuous and present perfect simple

7 Past perfect continuous, past perfect and past continuous

8 Present and past times review

The future – Будущее

9 Will and be going to (Future simple и be going to)

10 Present Simple and present continuous for the future

11 Future continuous and future perfect (continuous)

12 Be to + infinitive

13 Other ways of talking about the future

14 The future seen from the past

Modals and semi-modals – Модальные глаголы и полумодальные глаголы

15 Can, could, be able to and be allowed to

16 Will, would and used to

17 May and might: possibility

18 Must and have to / have got to

19 Need(n’t), don’t need to and don’t have to

20 Should, ought to and had better

Linking verbs, passives, questions – Глаголы-связки, пассивные глаголы, вопросы 

21 Linking verbs: be, appear, seem; become, get etc.

22 Forming passive sentences (1)

23 Forming passive sentences (2): verb + -ing or to-infinitive

24 Using passives

25 Reporting with passive verbs; It is said that…

26 Wh-questions with who, whom, which, how and whose

27 Negative questions; echo questions; questions with that-clauses

Verb complementation: what follows verbs – Глагольное дополнение: что следует за глаголом

28 Verb, objects and complements

29 Verb + two objects

30 Verb + -ing forms and infinitives (1)

31 Verb + -ing forms and infinitives (2)

Reporting – Представление сообщений

32 Reporting people’s words and thoughts

33 Reporting statements: that-clauses

34 Verb + wh-clause

35 Tense choice in reporting

36 Reporting offers, suggestions, orders, intentions etc.

37 Modal verbs in reporting

38 Reporting what people say using nouns and adjectives

39 Should in that-clauses; the present subjunctive


40 Agreement between subject and verb (1)

41 Agreement between subject and verb (2)

42 Agreement between subject and verb (3)

43 Compound nouns and noun phrases

Articles, determiners and quantifiers – Артикли, определения существительных и количественные местоимения

44 A / an and one

45 A / an, the and zero article (1)

46 A / an, the and zero article (2)

47 A / an, the and zero article (3)

48 Some and any

49 No, none (of) and not any

50 Much (of), many (of), a lot of, lots (of), etc.

51 All (of), whole, every, each

52 Few, little, less, fewer

Relative clauses and other types of clause – придаточные предложения и другие типы придаточных предложений

53 Relative pronouns

54 Other relative words: whose, when, whereby, etc.

55 Prepositions in relative clauses

56 Other ways of adding information to noun phrases (1): additional noun phrases, etc.

57 Other ways of adding information to noun phrases (2): prepositional phrases, etc.

58 Participle clauses with adverbial meaning (1)

59 Participle clauses with adverbial meaning (2)

Pronouns, substitution and leaving out words – Местоимения, замена и исключение слов 

60 Reflexive pronouns: herself, himself, themselves, etc.

61 One and ones

62 So and not as substitutes for clauses, etc.

63 Do so; such

64 More on leaving out words after auxiliary words

65 Leaving out to-infinitives

Adjectives and adverbsПрилагательные и наречия

66 Position of adjectives

67 Gradable and non-gradable adjectives (1)

68 Gradable and non-gradable adjectives (2)

69 Participle adjectives and compound adjectives

70 Adjectives + to-infinitive, -ing, that-clause, who-clause

71 Adjectives and adverbs

72 Adjectives and adverbs: comparative and superlative forms

73 Comparative phrases and clauses

74 Position of adverbs (1)

75 Position of adverbs (2)

76 Adverbs of place, direction, indefinite frequency and time

77 Degree adverbs and focus adverbs

78 Comment adverbs and focus adverbs

Adverbial clauses of time – придаточные предложения времени

79 Adverbial clauses of time

80 Giving reasons: as, because, etc.; for and with

81 Purposes and results: in order to, so as to, etc.

82 Contrasts: although and though; even though / if; while, whilst and whereas

83 If (1)

84 If (2)

85 If I were you…; imagine he were to win

86 If…not and unless; if and whether; etc.

87 Connecting ideas in a sentence and between sentences


88 Prepositions of position and movement

89 Between and among

90 Prepositions of time

91 Talking about exceptions

92 Prepositions after verbs

93 Prepositions after nouns

94 Two- and three-word verbs: word order

Organising information – Организация информации

95 There is, there was, etc.

96 It… (1)

97 It… (2)

98 Focusing: it-clauses and what-clauses

99 Inversion (1)

100 Inversion (2)