
Northstar Listening and Speaking Level 2

Учебник Northstar Listening and Speaking Level 2.  Другие учебники этой серии NorthStar 1NorthStar 3NorthStar 4NorthStar 5.


Northstar Listening and Speaking Level 2
Robin Mills, Laurie Frazier
ISBN: 9780132409889
Учебное пособие Northstar Listening and Speaking Level 2 предназначено для студентов начального уровня обучения. Оно поможет развивать такие языковые навыки как аудирование и говорение. Книга состоит из 10 разделов, каждый из которых включает в себя следующие секции: критическое мышление, аудирование, говорение, вокабуляр, грамматика и произношение.
Содержание пособия:

Unit 1 Offbeat Jobs – Необычные работы

Theme: Work

Listening One: What’s My Job?

An excerpt from a game show

Listening Two: More Offbeat Jobs

A conversation

Unit 2 Building a Better Community – Строим лучшее общество

Theme: The Country and the City

Listening One: A New-Urbanist Community

A radio interview

Listening Two: Let’s Hear from Our Listeners

A call-in portion of the radio show

Unit 3 A penny Saved Is a Penny Earned – Копейка рубль бережет

Theme: Money

Listening One: A Barter Network

A community meeting

Listening Two: The Compact

A conversation

Unit 4 Innocent or Guilty – Не виновен или виновен

Theme: Criminal Justice

Listening One: Roger’s Story

A personal story

Listening Two: Why Do Innocent People Go to Prison?

A radio interview

Unit 5 Etiquette — Этикет

Theme: Etiquette

Listening One: What Ever Happened to Manners?

A radio interview

Listening Two: Our Listeners Respond – Why is There a Lack of Manners?

A call-in portion of the radio show

Unit 6 Who’s Game for These Games? – Что за игры?

Theme: Games

Listening One: Entertainment for All

A news broadcast

Listening Two: Do You Like Video Games, Too?

A conversation

Unit 7 Good-Mood Foods – Еда для хорошего настроения

Theme: Food

Listening One: Street Talk

An excerpt from a radio show

Listening Two: What’s the Matter?

Three excerpts from a radio show

Unit 8 An Ice Place to Stay – Приятное место для отдыха

Theme: Travel

Listening One: An Unusual Vacation

A telephone conversation

Listening Two: Vacations around the World

A recording describing three vacation spots

Unit 9 Staying Healthy – Будем здоровы

Theme: Health problems and treatments

Listening One: Thin Fast

A radio commercial

Listening Two: Being Healthy is Good for You!

A conversation

Unit 10 Endangered Languages – Языки в опасности

Theme: Languages

Listening One: Language Loss

A lecture

Listening Two: My Life, My Language

An autobiographical account