
Northstar Listening and Speaking Level 5

Учебник Northstar Listening and Speaking Level 5.  Другие учебники этой серии NorthStar 1NorthStar 2NorthStar 3NorthStar 4.


Northstar Listening and Speaking Level 5
Sherry Preiss
ISBN: 9780132336741
Учебное пособие Northstar Listening and Speaking Level 5 предназначено для студентов продвинутого уровня обучения. Оно поможет развивать такие языковые навыки как аудирование и говорение. Книга состоит из 10 разделов, каждый из которых включает в себя следующие секции: критическое мышление, аудирование, говорение, вокабуляр, грамматика и произношение.
Содержание пособия:

Unit 1 The Internet and Other Addictions – Интернет и другие зависимости 

Theme: Addiction

Listening One: Interview with an Internet Addiction Counselor

A radio interview

Listening Two: Time to Do Everything Except Think

A radio commentary

Unit 2 Honesty Is the Best Policy – Честность – лучшее качество 

Theme: Lying

Listening One: Interview with a Psychiatrist

A radio interview

Listening Two: Family Secrets

An interview

Unit 3 The Bold and the Bashful – Смелые и робкие

Theme: Personality

Listening One: Americans Are Getting Shyer

A radio interview

Listening Two: The Pollyanna Syndrome

A radio commentary

Unit 4 The Tipping Point – Переломный момент

Theme: Trends

Listening One: The Tipping Point

A radio interview

Listening Two: Tipping Points in Fighting Crime

A radio interview

Unit 5 Feng Shui: Ancient Wisdom Travels West – Фэн Шуй: Древняя мудрость идет на запад

Theme: Cross-cultural insights

Listening One: Interview with a Feng Shui Expert

A radio interview

Listening Two: Feng Shui in the Newsroom

A radio interview

Unit 6 Spiritual Renewal – Духовное возрождение

Theme: Religion

Listening One: The Religious Traditions of Fasting

A radio interview

Listening Two: Describing Monastic Life

A radio interview

Unit 7 Workplace Privacy – Неприкосновенность рабочего места

Theme: Business

Listening One: Interview on Workplace Surveillance

A radio interview

Listening Two: Managers and Employees Speak Out

A radio broadcast

Unit 8 Warriors without Weapons – Воины без оружия

Theme: The Military

Listening One: Warriors without Weapons

A radio interview

Listening Two: Michael Ignatieff’s Views on War

A continuation of the radio interview

Unit 9 Boosting Brain Power through the Arts – Повышаем работу мозга через искусство

Theme: The Arts

Listening One: Does Music Enhance Math Skills?

A radio interview

Listening Two: Music, Art, and the Brain

A radio interview

Unit 10 Microfinance: Changing Lives $50 at a Time — Микрофинансы

Theme: Poverty

Listening One: Microfinance

A radio interview

Listening Two: Interview with a Microfinance Director

A radio interview